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About this Special Issue

Submission closed


Diet is the number one health risk factor. The Global Burden of Disease study identified diet-related diseases as a major cause of disability and mortality worldwide.
How can our food supply and environment provide us with the variety of high-quality food, healthy food we need to secure our right to health?
IJPH invites authors to submit proposals for original articles and systematic reviews that study the effects of system-driven forces on the availability and accessibility of healthy food, and explore the effect of these relationships on diseases associated to diet. Proposals consider the following questions:
• Obesity is still on the rise. What are the direct and indirect health-related costs of poor-quality diet on obesity? What systemic interventions may influence this trend?
• Poverty is a risk factor for poor-quality diets, obesity, and linked non-communicable diseases (NCD). Are there localized strategies (e.g., family, school, workplace, retail outlets, communities) or general strategies that could make healthy foods more available, accessible and affordable to all?
• What beliefs, values, attitudes and social practices are associated with the type of foods we eat, the status of certain foods, the way foods are used in social settings? How does commercial marketing influence our values and attitudes? Who is most vulnerable and exposed, and what effect does marketing have on obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCD)?
• Availability and access to (ultra-)processed food is increasing. Which determinants may reconnect food cooking and people in a healthy food environment?
• How do policies (like regulations, agreements, taxes, subsidies) reduce or improve the quality and quantity of available food? Which policies might stem the obesity epidemic?
• Which interventions for reducing the impact of the obesogenic environment can governments feasibly implement, and which are most likely to reduce NCD risks in the general population?

Call for Papers: abstract and manuscript submissions are now closed.
For more details, please see the call announcement here

Contact: Christopher Woodrow, Managing Editor PHR,

Special Issue Research topic image

Keywords: Diet, Obesity, non-communicable diseases, food, healthy food, obesity epidemic